Finland 100 together in the Netherlands

Board members of the committeeThank you for organizing a fantastic jubilee year

Finnish Women’s Day in Blue & White

Special edition of the annual Finnish Women’s Day in the Netherlands

Kamus Quartet

Music of Sebastian Fagerlund and Sibelius at the Concertgebouw, Amsterdam

Kalevala and Finnish identity

Lecture by Adriaan van der Hoeven in Bennekom

Finnish Children’s Day

Day camp for 6-10 years old, Finnish speaking children living in The Netherlands

Embassy Festival

Finland 100 stand of the Embassy and Finse Huis

Suomi 100 tulip

Newly developed white tulip for Finland

100 objects from Finland

Online exhibition of typical Finnish objects:

Finland 100 years independent

VNF book about 100 years of Finnish history and culture

Extraordinary Finland Week

At the Finse Huis, Rotterdam

100 Finnish summers

Finnish Female Choir TAIKA organized a concert and exhibition in one


Finnish Birch Park in Nieuw-Vennep

Finland 100: Independence Day Party

Great celebration programme, Koepelkerk, Amsterdam

On the way to happiness

Exhibition The White Cube in Alkmaar

Translation of ‘Seitsemän veljestä’

Dutch translation of Alexis Kivi’s epic novel ‘Seven brothers’ (‘De zeven broers’) by Adriaan van der Hoeven

The Essential Aki Kaurismäki

Kaurismäki films in EYE, Amsterdam

Spruce of the future

A spruce was planted in the garden of the Ambassador with the help of Finnish children and youngsters.

Finland100 concerts in Rotterdam

Members of the Rotterdam Philharmonic played chamber music of Melartin, Rautavaara, Sallinen and Sibelius at De Doelen and Boymans Museum

Mobile Home(less)

Art project of Anssi Pulkkinen ‘Street View (Reassembled)’, commissioned by the Finnish Cultural Institute for the Benelux

Finland100 concert in Dokkum

Tauno Marttisen Kunniaksi foundation and Stedelijke Harmonie Dockum organized a concert, music of Marttinen, Crusell, Viitasaari, Panula and Sibelius

Utrecht String Quartet

Several concerts with music by Sibelius, Sallinen and others