Hier vind je de leukste evenementen gerelateerd aan Finland! Verspreid over heel Nederland!
Georganiseerde evenementen van de Vereniging Nederland-Finland (VNF) zelf, worden aangegeven met @VNF.

- Dit evenement is voorbij.
oktober 7, 2019 @ 4:30 pm - 9:00 pm

On 7 October 2019 the Nordic Embassies and Chambers of Commerce in the Netherlands are inviting you to an interactive cross-border Artificial Intelligence Forum to explore the future of the AI landscape and to present a live exhibition with some of the latest technologies.
Artificial Intelligence is transforming every aspect of our lives. It influences how we work and play. It promises to help solve global challenges such as climate change and access to quality medical care. Yet AI also brings real challenges for industry, governments and citizens alike.
At the #NordicTalks2019 AI Forum we bring together Governments, Ministries, start-ups, SMEs and large corporations to discuss and explore the applications of AI, AR/VR and other technologies, and what makes them successful.
#NordicTalks2019 is organized prior to the World Summit AI taking place at Taets Park in Amsterdam.