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Vox Aurea, Out of the Blue en Blueprint
april 9, 2019 @ 9:00 pm - 11:00 pm

Out of the Blue is het jeugdpopkoor van Cultuurhuis Garenspinnerij en is opgericht in 2011 door Marlou Vriens. Marlou, zelf ook ooit lid geweest van een Jeugdkoor, wilde met deze club iets nieuws starten. Samen meerstemmig zingen, concerten ontwerpen, optreden maar vooral samen plezier en muziek maken. Sinds de oprichting heeft Out of the Blue aardig wat events op haar naam staan. Zo werden zij twee keer uitgenodigd voor het Internationale Korenfestival in Solingen (Dui), zongen zij samen met Olvida y Canta in Kuurne (Be), met Bonner Jazz Chor en Pitch Control in Rotterdam, deden zij de Nationale Intocht in 2014 in Gouda, backing vocals voor Philhelmon, kerstconcerten met Kaarsjesavond en de jaarlijkse eindconcerten in juni/juli.
Vocal group Blueprint
Blueprint is een jonge ambitieuze groep die de grenzen van de vocale muziek opzoekt. Op zoek naar verschillende geluiden, verschillende stijlen, vormen en thema’s werkt Blueprint in de Garenspinnerij met Marlou Vriens aan stem, samenzang, improvisatie en compositie, en met Pieter Danz aan ritme, groove, timing, percussie en compositie.
Special Guest from Finland:
Vox Aurea, the Golden Voice
The Vox Aurea choir from Jyväskylä, Finland, consists of 55 singers aged 11 to 18. The singers are selected to the choir through auditions. Many of the choir members are pupils of extended music curricular classes at school. Established 50 years ago, Vox Aurea has sustained its high level as one of the top choirs in Finland. The choir has been awarded prizes in various national and international choir competitions and festivals and it has made several recordings. The choir is known for its bright sound and lively performances. Vox Aurea choir is conducted by Sanna Salminen who took the lead in 2009. The voice trainer of the choir is Laura Eskola.
The repertoire of Vox Aurea consists mostly of traditional and modern choral art music and traditional music of different cultures. The choir has also specialized in performing compositions of its previous conductor, Pekka Kostiainen. Experimental attitude towards a holistic expression, as well as a warm team spirit, are core parts of the choir’s identity.
Co-operation with high level youth choirs from different countries forms an essential part of the activity of Vox Aurea. Sharing music and experiences with friends from all over the world creates understanding, bonding and trust that empower children and adolescents in building the future. The concert tour in April 2019 takes the choir from Brussels to Gouda and Hamburg. Before summer holidays, Vox Aurea will be hosting guests from Jaroslavl and San Francisco.
Sanna Salminen
The conductor of the Vox Aurea choir, Sanna Salminen is an acknowledged music educator in her home country. She works as a university teacher in Music Pedagogy under the Department of Education at the University of Jyväskylä. She graduated with a Licentiate degree from the University of Jyväskylä in 2004. Her main subject was Music Education and during her studies, she specialized in conducting and multicultural music. She has led and performed in various instrumental and vocal groups, for example medieval and renaissance music, folk music of different cultures, classical music and pop music. Salminen has also worked as the voice trainer and assistant conductor of Musica Chamber Choir (1998-2005) and she established and conducted Ruamjai choir from 2000 to 2009. Sanna Salminen has worked as a researcher and a teacher in developmental co-operation projects in South Africa and she is also known for making school music books, arrangements and compositions.
€ 5,00 (online) / € 6,00 (kassa)