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Together, Taika – Chorus Marinus mannenkoor
maart 16, 2019 @ 8:00 pm - 9:30 pm

Welcome to enjoy an evening of beautiful choral music performed by two Finnish choirs at the Houtrustkerk Den Haag on Saturday 16th March 2019.
The Hague based Finnish Female Choir TAIKA has invited friends from Finland to share a concert with. Chorus Marinus Male Ensemble and TAIKA join voices for an evening to celebrate choral music from Finland and Scandinavia. To spice things up, some Negro Spirituals are performed also. The collaboration of the two choirs is an exclusive opportunity to experience choral music in its various styles and tones, detail given especially to the long Finnish tradition in choir singing.
Both choirs will perform their own individual shows and at the end of the concert they join voices to sing together as one big mixed choir.
About Finnish Female Choir TAIKA: TAIKA was founded in 2012 by its conductor Mrs. Karla-Maria Toiviainen (Master of Music), and the choir consists entirely of Finnish women living in the Netherlands. The choir practises in The Hague and performs across the country as well as abroad. TAIKA has a wide repertoire, ranging from folk to pop, with an emphasis on Finnish female choral music. However, the choir also enthusiastically performs songs from all around the world.
About Chorus Marinus Male Ensemble: Our guest performer of the evening comes all the way from Helsinki, Finland. These 14 men have been singing together in the ensemble since year 2005. Their conductor is Director Musices Mr. Heikki Varis. Chorus Marinus Male Ensemble will perform a wide variety of Finnish choral favorites as well as some Negro Spirituals, which are dear to them.
Together! Finnish Female Choir TAIKA (NL) & CHORUS MARINUS (FIN)
Saturday 16th March 2019 at 7 pm.
Houtrustkerk, Beeklaan 535 Den Haag
Tickets are available at www.taikachoir.com/shop
10€ Adults
7€ Children (5-12 y)/Students/Pensioners
30 € Family (2 adults and 2 children)
There is a limited number of tickets available at the entrance.